Leading the way for girls in STEM study, providing educational access for their learning legacy


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We are changing our leadership structure! Women shall lead in every facet of the work for AMX! The global pandemic has given us a back seat to the much needed work. Look forward to seeing women in our midst as we promote Black girls to pursue STEM study and careers in Ghana, Africa & Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

Black Lives Matter
Recognizing the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19)
Around the World
Our team at A Matter of Xpression recognizes the tremendous impact COVID-19 is having on people around the world. We are not exempt from the virus, therefore we expect that we will not be able to travel this year nor do we have access to our normal shipping process of supplies and resources from the US to Ghana. Please keep the AMX Team in your thoughts and prayers as we remain indoors and practice social distancing in the US. In speaking with our Ghanaian Team, we have been informed of your current status regarding COVID-19 is not as isolating as in the US.
In the US, specifically in Pennsylvania, we are asked to stay home, to stay calm and to stay safe, along with having an 8PM curfew for all citizens. We are learning to vigilantly practice social distancing. One thing for sure is the mandate of staying away from many people at 6 feet apart from others decreases the spread of the virus. There are no visible symptoms of people who may be carrying the virus, thus our willingness to follow the prescribed measures of safety is crucial.
Please be assured that we are willing to support each other and you during these challenging times. Furthermore, to know and understand our present circumstances regarding COVID-19 in Pennsylvania please go to www.health.pa.gov
Again, keep us all in your positive thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding during this time.
As we know, God is in control.
Contact: Bonnee Breese Bentum, bbreese@amxpression.org
Delaware County, PA – The AMX Team in the USA is issuing the following statement in response to the horrific murders of Black people by White police officers across this country. First, let us explain that our minds and hearts are heavy in thinking about the families, loved ones, and those who knew and loved Ahmaud Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. Their lives were not lived in vain, and we say their names aloud to give them respect.
The cruel and public lynching that each of them incurred at the hands of police officers who did their job inhumanely by not recognizing that #BlackLivesMatter. We, the American AMX Team, call for immediate police reforms across this country and demand that police unions work alongside the people in efforts of protecting and serving us, not just as a means to stand in the way for improving police accountability. Now is the time to stop protecting police who kill innocent Black people.
Thousands of people - all colors, backgrounds, and ethnicities have taken their rage to streets protesting in numerous ways ranging from peaceful to destructive all over the country. Now is the time, police officers to stop lynching Black people as racism tears us apart. All of the people continuously protest for humanity and the dignity of Black people. Now is the time to recognize that #BlackLivesMatter – we do.
We do realize there is lots of work to do. We can heal together, but there is no overcoming our deep, deep hurt initiated by watching murder after murder of innocent Black people on TV screens and social media feeds. As James Baldwin once said, “To be a Negro in this country [America] and to be relatively conscious, is to be in a rage almost all the time.” Can we finally end the rage of Black people? #BlackLivesMatter and now is the time for change.
AMX Founder Recognized for 2019
Women's History Month

Our Founder, Bonnee Breese Bentum was awarded the Woman of Achievement award by the Delaware County Women's Commission in honor of Women's History Month, guided by the theme, "Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence." Bonnee was nominated by 163rd District State Representative Mike Zabel for the award for her work with girls in Delaware County and in Ghana. Women's Commission Chairwoman Caitlin Ganley noted at the March 6th County Council meeting how Bonnee strives in providing service to students in underserved communities with the necessary tools for growth.
Later in the month, on March 27th, the Women's Commission held its annual Women's History Month Breakfast where Bonnee and the other Women of Achievement Honorees - Hanna Maier, a high school student recognized for her creation of grassroots movement, "A Community for Change" in her community; and Delaware County District Attorney Katayoun M. Copeland for her ongoing dedication and commitment to public service.
The Delaware County Women's Commission was founded in 1985 and serves as an advisory commission to Delaware County Council on issues impacting women and girls within the county. Bonnee said, "Isn't it fitting that this honor is being given to me on Ghana's Independence Day, March 6th. I know the work is not done in vain of the girls of Ghana."
The photographs shown below were captured at both the Council meeting on March 6th, and the Women's Commission breakfast held March 27th. Thank you to everyone who showed their support for our own, Bonnee Breese Bentum. We at AMX are proud to be in service alongside Bonnee while we blaze the path of her vision to assist Ghanaian girls in secondary school focus on STEM field subjects.
​A Matter of Xpression (AMX), supports girls in providing a way to close the gender gap in education and technology by arranging with specific Ghanaian schools contributions of books, computers, and supplemental STEM materials while nurturing Ghanaian girls academically for global learning and personal development as we prepare them for the next generation of global citizenship.
We, at AMX, know that "when we educate a girl, we educate a nation," therefore we focus on supporting Ghanaian girls. Our short term goal is to support them through high school completion and our long term goal is to be able to provide education options and opportunities for high achieving Ghanaian girls to pursue college in the US, then to return to Ghana as leaders in their villages, regions, and nation.
We've been granted all the rights and privileges of doing the business of AMX as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Ghana!
In Pennsylvania, we have also assisted Black girls interested in pursuing STEM study upon request. Our work extends from Delaware County to Philadelphia, only.
In Ghana, we are known as A Matter of Xpression, II.
Visit our "Support our Work" page.

Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana -- We are pleased to share the good news, A Matter of Xpression is donating computers and other teaching materials to Methodist Senior High school in Sekondi. Mr. Joseph Mensah Bentum and Mr. Christian Dedjoe-Djokotoe members of the NGO Team present the items to Mr. George Tweneboah Konduah, Headmaster accompanied by a few of the staff members and students. We continue to serve girls in secondary school, according to our mission!